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German Jagdterrier Registry of America Single Registration Application Dedicated to the Preservation of the WORKING and HUNTING German Jagdterriers in America Instructions: Print form, Fill in and mail to The registry at the address at bottom of page. Registration Fee: $25.00 per single dog FILL IN ALL OF THIS FORM - MUST INCLUDE PEDIGREE Dogs Name: Sex: Date of Birth: Height (top of shoulders): Weight (pounds): Tail (mark one): Docked: Natural Length: Is this dog Imported? If yes what country: Coat Type (mark coat type): Smooth: Smooth Dense: Broken: Rough: Tattoo Number: Microchip Number: ENCLOSED THREE (3) CLEAR COLOR PICTURES OF THIS DOG (Front/Both Sides). No Pictures-No Registration Other Registries this dog is registered in (Include registry name and registration number): Other Information that may be helpful on your dog (Game Hunted or titles earned at what hunts): Who owned this dog before you? Owners (Your) Information: Your Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone No: E-mail Address: Sign Here: Date Signed: PEDIGREE INFORMATION (Please Print or Type - fill in or ATTACH a copy of PEDIGREE) 4: Great Great Grand Sire: 3: Great Grand Sire: 4: Great Great Grand Dame: 2: Grand Sire: 4: Great Great Grand Sire: 3: Great Grand Dame: 4: Great Great Grand Dame: 1: Sire: Owner: 4: Great Great Grand Sire: 3: Great Grand Sire: 4: Great Great Grand Dame: 2: Grand Dame: 4: Great Great Grand Sire: 3: Great Grand Dame: 4: Great Great Grand Dame: Fathers Side Above ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Mothers Side Below 4: Great Great Grand Sire: 3: Great Grand Sire: 4: Great Great Grand Dame: 2: Grand Sire: 4: Great Great Grand Sire: 3: Great Grand Dame: 4: Great Great Grand Dame: 1: Dame: Owner: 4: Great Great Grand Sire: 3: Great Grand Sire: 4: Great Great Grand Dame: 2: Grand Dame: 4: Great Great Grand Sire: 3: Great Grand Dame: 4: Great Great Grand Dame: Approval may take up to 2 weeks 1: All Jagdterrier being registered will have “v.d.” with breeders kennel name or “von” with breeders last name behind the dogs name. 2: “The Registry” and German Jagdterrier Registry of America are privately owned and operated registries. 3: Application Fee and Pictures must accompany this application. If each dog is owned by two diffrent then peaples last names will apply behind VON. The German Jagdterrier Registry of America is with in “The Registry” and is not affiliated with no other registries. German Jagdterrier Registry of America has UNITED both German Jagdterrier Registry and American Jagdterrier Registry in to one registry. Make sure to sign and date and send fees with application. Make checks out to The Registry Mail to: The Registry 53 Squire Ln Tunas, MO 65764 Any questions contact Sharon by email or call 417-752-3601